Turns out I already know how to say in Norwegian, however slowly, some sentences and phrases of various usefulness and complexity. Here are some:
How are you?
Just fine, thanks.
I'm fine, thank you.
I'm quite well.
Not so bad.
Not well.
Are you well?
I'm very well.
I don't understand Norwegian.
I don't understand so much.
I think...
Are you American?
Yes, I'm American. And you?
Do you understand English?
No, not so much.
Yes, you understand very well!
I think you understand English very well.
You speak well.
You speak quite well.
I think you speak Norwegian quite well.
I speak a little but I don't speak well.
Yes, I think you speak very well!
Don't you understand English?
Yes, I understand a little and I speak a little but I don't speak very well.
Do you speak Norwegian?
Don't you speak Norwegian?
I am not Norwegian but I understand Norwegian and I speak a little.
But I don't speak so well.
Considering my current preoccupation with Norwegian, it's nice that I can talk about it constantly while learning it, even if it's just muttering under my breath. The problem is of course that even though I can say these things, I probably couldn't write them - at least not all. The difficulty of learning by listening mostly (the easiest to accomplish while in commute and while keeping the language study a secret to some extent) that one doesn't have anything to latch on when the auditory memory just doesn't want to cooperate. And sometimes it doesn't - especially in the evening.
On day 3 I think I completed only about 40 minutes of Norwegian study/practice. I'm still stuck on some pronunciation but I feel that if I give it enough time to overcome this particular hurdle, I will have more solid foundation for any more advanced knowledge I go on to acquire.