I know just where I could purchase such a dictionary.

Even though part of me is feeling starved for resources, I find it curiously freeing to have as little as I decided to have for this project. I'm never at a loss for what to use - if I'm at the computer, I use Norwegian on the Web; if I'm in transit (on the train, walking), I listen to Pimsleur. Very few choices make for some quite efficient studying. In fact, it's making me rethink my to-date language acquisition method, where I would try to get everything I could find on and in my target language and then I never managed to find enough time to use those resources properly - just because I had more books and CDs than time. I'm liking this minimalist approach. I still want to find some Norwegian radio or TV on the web so that I can get used to the melody of the language but aside from that I have to cautiously admit that I'm set.
Yesterday I learned how to say that I'd like something to eat and drink.
This new knowledge gave me much comfort.